Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers celebrate

My celebration was double...Mother's Day and my birthday that came one after the other.
Not really a big bang but just went out for a family dinner. But when we reached
home my three handsome sons took out a Secret Recipe cake
and a small gift as a surprise! So sweet...

Thank you my sons and may Allah bless you all.

They turn out alright after all...Im blessed!

Im one happy mother...


Unknown said...

Selamat Hari Ibu dan Hepi Bday Hajah smuga pjg umo dan murah rezki n ketemu jdh cepat ek..Kek tu dah habih ker

Pak Abas said...

Sedeh bila nengok org sambt hari ibu ni tingat kat org rmh yg dah lama pegi...

Selamat Hari Ibu dn selamat hari jadi hjh

p3chandan said...

Man..tima kasih bebanyak mudah2an termakbut doa awak tu..sory ye kek dah habis la

Pak Abas..tima kasih atas ucapan tu.sian pakcik tanpa seseorg yg disayangi..tak cari pengganti ke mudah2an berseri balik hidup